Abgeschickt von michael jackson am 22 August, 2003 um 11:06:38
Antwort auf: MJ INVINCIBLE BITMAP FONT von Jan am 06 April, 2003 um 19:16:16:
: Hi, does anyone know the name of the bitmap font that was used for the cover design of the latest Jackson release 'Invincible'? The words 'Michael' and 'Invincible' are written with it.
: For those who don't know the cover, here is a link:
: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00005Q4JH.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
: Also I have found a website, where it seems to me, that they are using the same font there: http://www.tricky3.co.uk/mjremixed/ - for the Logo and for the main menu on the left, too.
: I would be glad if someone could help me out, tell me the name of the font and where to get. Thanks a lot!
: Jan